Step 4: Socio-professional (re)integration programme

Supporting women victims of violence in their professional projects means giving them the opportunity to achieve professional fulfilment and regain sustainable financial independence.

The ACTIV project aims to offer an innovative support programme for these women, which will be implemented by local players and companies. Through orientation, learning professional codes, creating tools (CV, LM), searching for training or preparing for interviews: these women regain control of their lives. We support them in their dream of a professional life and guide them step by step to achieve this goal.


The objective of this phase is to help women to (re)define a professional path taking into account their
areas of interest, current skills and past experiences. It is also aimed at assisting them in the
implementation of this plan. At the end of this phase, they should be ready to find a job or enrol on a
vocational training programme.

Challenges for the field workers

When designing a socio-professional (re)integration programme, the actors in the field should bear in mind these two main challenges:

  • Giving women the time to think about what they want to do and exploring different career paths in line with who they are. The aim is to achieve a sustainable career plan that allows women to achieve financial stability and professional fulfilment.
  • The women who enter the programme have different backgrounds and levels of professionalexperience. Some have never worked before. The programme must therefore take this reality into account.
I think there is a lack of these kinds of CV or motivation letter writing workshops. We have a lot of women who don't know how to do that kind of thing and women don't know how to sell themselves.

Social worker

Resources for the field workers

How to set up a socio-professional orientation programme?

This tool provides an outline of the main steps to building a socio-professional orientation programme for women confronted with domestic violence, including the main topics to be covered.

Available here.

Challenges for companies

Now that the company has been able to develop a caring environment, it can invest more in other issues because it will be easier for it to understand domestic violence and therefore welcome women who are confronted with this violence.

Indeed, the company is now aware of the issues surrounding domestic violence and has removed the taboos surrounding the subject.

There are several ways in which companies can become involved:

  • developing a mentorship programme with employees trained who want to share their experience;
  • offering company visits;
  • proposing training/internships.

Resources for the companies

What state financial assistance is available to hire vulnerable publics?

Although there are not always employment subsidies aimed directly at women experiencing domestic violence, here you will find the main employment subsidies that you can use to employ a vulnerable and/or unemployed group, which may include women experiencing domestic violence.





What socio-professional (re)integration programmes for women facing domestic violence exist?

This resource is a non-exhaustive list of socio-professional integration organisations or specific professional integration projects for women facing domestic violence in Belgium, France, Spain and Romania. If you know of a similar structure, please contact us to add it to this list.



