02 Nov #CARVEproject – Companies against gender based violence
The main goal of this project was to raise awareness and prevent gender related violence committed against women through a comprehensive European campaign led by companies. Moreover, the project purposed to tackle domestic violence through a workplace angle in order to break the taboo to address at the work place violence against women.
This two year campaign started in December 2014, and was implemented by partners in five countries (France, Spain, Belgium, Greece and Bulgaria). They used a precise research methodology defined by experts in order to gather good practices in each country. Results were subsequently shared among national stakeholders in order to identify good practices which were used to elaborate a European guide. This guide gathers best practices in combating violence against women and parctical tools to positive actions at the work place.
The CARVE project was co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and managed by FACE, Pour la Solidarité, CSR Hellas, Social Accountability, CEPS Projectes Socials and teh Centre for weomen’s Studies.
+info http://carve-daphne.eu/
#CARVEproject #ACTIVproject #Erasmusplus #GBV #DV